Thursday, September 13, 2007


For most churches, the hub for information is the weekly service. People come every week and hear what is going on during the coming week. Because we are starting out with monthly worship gatherings, we knew that we needed a great website to serve this purpose.

We ended up going with a company called Ecclesia 360. I cannot speak highly enough of these guys. This company was started by church planters and their product is targeted towards church plants. The primary thing you are purchasing from them is a Content Management System. I know just a tiny bit of html, but definitely not enough to design a website that would serve the needs mentioned above. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed putting this website together using their CMS. Jason and I did all of the writing, but I got to play around with the site.

We ended up paying $2500 for the site, and we'll pay $50-60/month for the hosting. That also includes the use of the Content Management System.

I'll let you read more on it, but I highly recommend them. If you'd like to see our website, here it is.

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