Thursday, September 13, 2007


This summer my wife, Mandy, joined our staff for a 10-week project in which she got our children's ministry off the ground. She interviewed several children's ministers, researched curriculum, wrote guidelines and procedures, coordinated volunteers, and purchased equipment and supplies. Quite a 10-week project, huh! She did an amazing job, and the result is that we now have an awesome children's ministry.

We had two priorities for KidsPlace. First, we wanted every parent to feel that their child would be safe. Second, we wanted every parent to feel that their child was not just being babysat. We wanted them to know that their child would learn the Bible while they were at KidsPlace.

As to the safety component, Mandy researched background checks and other safety procedures. She settled on using a company called Protect My Ministry for the background checks. We paid $39 for an initial setup fee, and then $12-20 for an individual background check, depending on how exhaustive we want it to be. If you've ever looked into background checks, this is a good deal. The other good thing about it is that it's all done through their website.

Download KidsPlace Guidelines & Procedures
Download KidsPlace Set-up Checklist
Download KidsPlace Fall07 Budget
Download Comment Form
Download Contagious Illness Parent Note

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